Mansfield High School
Girl's Cross Country & Track

Track Attendance Policy
Twitter: coachellis@mansfieldtrack
Contact Information: 508-208-7871
I will post the season schedule on as soon as it is finalized.
Attendance Policy:
Athletes are expected to attend every practice. Education and medical excuses are the only excused absences. Work, vacations, and drivers education class is considered an unexcused absence.
1st Unexcused: Warning
2nd Unexcused: The athlete will sit out of one meet.
3rd Unexcused: The athlete will meet with the coaches and captains to determine if the athlete is committed enough to continue on and will result in missing another meet.
****Athletes missing April vacation week will have to sit out of one meet.
**** All varsity athletes are required to attend the Hockomock League Meet, D1 State meet, and the All State Meet (if you qualify). If you miss one of these meets due to an unexcused absence then you will not receive your varsity letter.
Practice Schedule:
School Days:
Practices will start at 2:30 on the track. If an athlete needs to get extra help they are expected to attend practice after they are done with the extra help. The athlete needs to bring a note from their teacher with the athletes first and last name on it.
Practices will start at 9AM.
April Vacation:
Practices will start at 9AM unless we have a meet scheduled for that day.
Running Shoes:
The proper running shoes will help prevent injuries. An athlete should get a new pair of running shoes every season. A running shoe is only good for 200-250 miles! Never put your running shoes in the washer or dryer it will ruin the support in them. Marathon Sports does a great job at fitting athletes into the correct shoes based on their feet.
Please report any injuries to a coach right away – even if you think it’s a minor injury. The coaching staff has many years of experience when it comes to injuries. We can adjust your training plan or have you see the school’s athletic trainer for advice. This will allow you to train while recovering.
Track Attendance Policy
Contact Information: 508-505-7
The schedule is posted on It may change during the season.
Attendance Policy:
Athletes are expected to attend every practice. Education and medical excuses are the only excused absences. Work, vacations, and drivers education class is considered an unexcused absence.
1st Unexcused: Warning
2nd Unexcused: The athlete will sit out of one meet.
3rd Unexcused: The athlete will meet with the coaches and captains to determine if the athlete is committed enough to continue on and will result in missing another meet..
**** All varsity athletes are required to attend the Hockomock League Meet, Division State meet, and the All State Meet (if you qualify). If you miss one of these meets you will not receive your varsity letter.
Practice Schedule:
School Days:
Practices will start at 2:15 in the cafeteria/on the track. If an athlete needs to get extra help they are expected to attend practice after they are done with the extra help. The athlete needs to bring a note from their teacher with the athletes first and last name on it.
Practices will start at 8AM.
Practices will start at 8AM unless we have a meet scheduled for that day.
Running Shoes:
The proper running shoes will help prevent injuries. An athlete should get a new pair of running shoes every season. A running shoe is only good for 200-250 miles! Never put your running shoes in the washer or dryer it will ruin the support in them. Marathon Sports does a great job at fitting athletes into the correct shoes based on their feet.
Please report any injuries to a coach right away – even if you think it’s a minor injury. The coaching staff has many years of experience when it comes to injuries. We can adjust your training plan or have you see the school’s athletic trainer for advice. This will allow you to train while recovering.